One mile is the equivalent of 1.61 kilometers. One mile per hour(miles per hour) is therefore 1.61 km/h. Conversely, 1 km/h is 0.62 mp/h. This unit of length or speed is mainly used in the USA. In Europe, the speed of motor vehicles is always given in km/h.




Table - mph in km/h

Miles per hour (mph) Kilometers per hour (km/h)
1 mph 1,61 km/h
30 mph 48,27 km/h
50 mph 80,45 km/h
100 mph 160,90 km/h
120 mph 193,08 km/h

Table - km/h in mph

Kilometers per hour (km/h) Miles per hour (mph)
1 km/h 0,62 mph
50 km/h 31,05 mph
80 km/h 49,68 mph
100 km/h 62,10 mph
130 km/h 80,73 mph

All information is without guarantee

Use calculator:

  • Select what you want to convert.
  • Enter the number of miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

Converting kilometers per hour (km/h) to miles per hour (mph) is a common process in physics and in everyday life, especially when working with international measures of speed. One mile per hour equals approximately 1.60934 kilometers per hour.

So if you want to convert a speed from kilometers per hour to miles per hour, divide the number of kilometers per hour by 1.60934.

Formula: mph = km/h / 1.60934

Conversely, if you want to convert a speed from miles per hour to kilometers per hour, multiply the number of miles per hour by 1.60934.

Formula: km/h = mph * 1.60934

Please note that these conversions are based on the international mileage system and do not apply to other mileage systems (such as the nautical mile).

Calculator | Table

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