A centimeter(cm) is a common unit of measurement for length that is used worldwide. One centimeter is equal to 0.01 m or 10 mm.




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Use calculator:

  • Enter the number of centimeters into the calculator.
  • Select the unit into which the centimeters are to be converted.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

Conversion to other units of length

1. centimeters to meters

One meter is equal to 100 centimeters. To convert centimeters to meters, divide the number of centimeters by 100.

Formula: Meter = centimeter / 100

Example: 150 cm in meters: 150 cm / 100 = 1.5 m

2. centimeters in millimeters

One centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters. To convert centimeters to millimeters, multiply the number of centimeters by 10.

Formula: Millimeter = centimeter × 10

Example: 12 cm in millimeters: 12 cm × 10 = 120 mm

3. centimeters in kilometers

One kilometer is equal to 100,000 centimeters. To convert centimeters to kilometers, divide the number of centimeters by 100,000.

Formula: Kilometer = centimeters / 100,000

Example: 50,000 cm into kilometers: 50,000 cm / 100,000 = 0.5 km

4. centimeters in inches

One inch corresponds to approximately 2.54 centimeters. To convert centimeters to inches, divide the number of centimeters by 2.54.

Formula: Inch = centimeter / 2.54

Example: 10 cm in inches: 10 cm / 2.54 = 3.94 inches


Converting centimeters to other units can be useful depending on the purpose for which you need the dimensions. Using the formulas above, it should be easy to make these conversions. It is always helpful to have a conversion table or digital tool to hand to convert quickly and accurately.

Calculator | Table

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