Micrometers(µm) - also known as microns - are a unit of length in the metric system and correspond to one millionth of a meter (10⁻⁶ meters). This conversion can be useful to describe the size of objects or distances on a scale that is more familiar to the human eye.
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Use calculator:
- Enter the number of micrometers into the calculator.
- Select the unit into which the micrometers are to be converted.
- Click on "generate" to get the result.
Micrometer to millimeter
One millimeter corresponds to 1,000 micrometers.
Formula: Millimeter (mm) = micrometer (µm) × 10^-3
Example: 5,000 micrometers is equal to 5 millimeters.
Micrometer to centimeter
One centimeter is equal to 10,000 micrometers.
Formula: Centimeter (cm) = micrometer (µm) × 10^-4
Example: 20,000 micrometers are equal to 2 centimeters.
Micrometer to meter
One meter equals 1,000,000 micrometers.
Formula: Meter (m) = micrometer (µm) × 10^-6
Example: 3,000,000 micrometers is equal to 3 meters.
Micrometers to kilometers
One kilometer equals 1,000,000,000 micrometers.
Formula: Kilometer (km) = micrometer (µm) × 10^-9
Example: 5,000,000,000 micrometers are equal to 5 kilometers.
Conversion to non-metric units
Micrometers to inches
One inch equals approximately 25,400 micrometers.
Formula: Inch (in) = micrometer (µm) / 25,400
Example: 50,800 micrometers is approximately 2 inches.
Micrometers to feet
One foot is approximately 304,800 micrometers.
Formula: feet (ft) = micrometers (µm) / 304,800
Example: 609,600 micrometers is about 2 feet.
The conversion of micrometers into other units of length is of great importance in many applications, especially in science and technology. Using the above formulas, you can easily switch between different units to better understand the size of objects or distances.