Thefoot, also known as "feet" in English, is a unit of length that is mainly used in the USA, Great Britain and Canada. One foot corresponds to 0.3048 meters in the metric system.




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  • Enter the number of feet in the calculator.
  • Select the unit into which the feet are to be converted.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

Converting feet to meters (m)

The metric system, which is mainly used worldwide, is based on the meter as the basic unit of measurement for length. To convert feet to meters, the conversion factor is used:

1 foot = 0.3048 meters

Example: 10 feet x 0.3048 = 3.048 meters

Converting feet to centimeters (cm)

Since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, you can convert feet directly to centimeters by using the appropriate conversion factor:

1 foot = 30.48 centimeters

Example: 5 feet x 30.48 = 152.4 centimeters

Converting feet to inches

The foot is directly linked to the inch, as 1 foot corresponds exactly to 12 inches. The conversion is therefore particularly simple here:

1 foot = 12 inches

Example: 8 feet = 8 x 12 = 96 inches

Converting feet to yards

One yard is equal to 3 feet. This makes the conversion simple and direct:

1 foot = 0.3333 yards (or 1/3 yard)

Example: 9 feet = 9 x (1/3) = 3 yards


Although the foot is not the standard unit of measurement for length in many parts of the world, it is important to know how to convert it to other units. This is particularly useful in science, engineering, trade and travel. Using the conversion factors above, you can easily convert feet to other common measures of length

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