A hundredweight(zt) is a traditional unit of measurement for mass, mainly used in Europe. Originally it referred to the weight of 100 units, but the actual definition can vary depending on region and context. A hundredweight is 50 kg.
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Use calculator:
- Enter the number of hundredweight into the calculator.
- Select the unit into which the hundredweight should be converted.
- Click on "generate" to get the result.
hundredweight in kilograms
In most European countries, especially in Germany, one hundredweight is equivalent to 50 kilograms. This means
- 1 hundredweight = 50 kg
hundredweight in grams
As there are 1000 grams in a kilogram, the conversion from hundredweight to grams can be easily determined:
- 1 hundredweight = 50 kg = 50,000 g
hundredweight in pounds
One pound (lb) is approximately 0.45359237 kilogram. To convert hundredweights to pounds, simply multiply the number of hundredweights by 50 and then by the conversion factor from kilograms to pounds:
- 1 hundredweight = 50 kg = 110.23 lb
hundredweight to tons
One ton (t) is equal to 1,000 kilograms. Therefore:
- 1 hundredweight = 0.05 tons
hundredweight in stone
A stone is a British unit and is equal to 6.35 kilograms. To convert hundredweight to stone:
- 1 hundredweight = 50 kg = 7.87 st
Although the hundredweight is less common today than in the past, it remains a useful unit of measurement in certain contexts, particularly in agriculture. Using the above conversions, you can easily convert the hundredweight into various other units. However, it is important to note that the exact definition of the hundredweight can vary depending on the region. Therefore, it is always advisable to check the local definition before making a conversion.
- Carat
- Centigram
- Decagram
- Decigram
- Decitonne
- Femtogram
- Gigatonne
- Gram
- Gram in carat
- Gram in decigrams
- Gram in micrograms
- Gram in milligrams
- Gram in nanogram
- Gram in ounce
- Kilogram
- Kilogram in decagrams
- Kilogram in grams
- Kilogram in hundredweight
- Kilogram in Pound
- Kilogram in pounds
- Kilograms in tons
- Kiloton
- Long tone
- Megaton
- Micrograms
- Milligram
- Nanogram
- Ounce
- Picogram
- Pound
- Pound
- Short tone
- Teratonne
- Ton
- Ton in decitonne
- Ton in gigatonne
- Ton in kiloton
- Ton in Long ton
- Ton in Short ton
- Tonne in megatonne
- Zentner