The weight measure gram(g) is one of the basic units in the metric system. One gram corresponds to 0.001 kilogram (kg) or, conversely, 1,000 grams correspond to 1 kg.
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- Enter the number of grams into the calculator.
- Select the unit into which the grams are to be converted.
- Click on "generate" to get the result.
Conversion to metric units
The metric system is based on tens, which makes conversion within this system relatively simple.
1 gram corresponds to 1,000 milligrams (mg).
1 kilogram (kg) is equal to 1,000 grams (g).
1 ton (t) equals 1,000,000 grams (g) or 1,000 kilograms (kg).
Conversion to British and US units
In the British and US systems, there are different units for weight that are not based on tens.
1 ounce (oz) equals approximately 28.35 grams (g).
1 pound (lb) equals 16 ounces (oz) or approximately 453.59 grams (g).
1 stone (st) equals 14 pounds (lb) or approximately 6,350.29 grams (g). Note, however, that the unit stone is mainly used in Great Britain to indicate body weight.
Practical tips for conversion
Use specialized online calculators: If you often need to convert between different weight units, online calculators can be a great help. They allow you to convert quickly and accurately without having to memorize the exact conversion number each time.
Round down for everyday life: While it can be important to be exact in scientific or culinary applications, rounding to whole numbers or to the nearest ten is often sufficient for everyday use.
Keep aneye on the reference unit: When converting between different units of measurement, it is helpful to keep a reference unit in mind. For example, you can always come back to grams to convert from there to another unit.
Converting grams to other weight units can seem complicated at first, especially when working with non-metric systems. However, with a little practice and some useful tips, the process quickly becomes routine
- Carat
- Centigram
- Decagram
- Decigram
- Decitonne
- Femtogram
- Gigatonne
- Gram
- Gram in carat
- Gram in decigrams
- Gram in micrograms
- Gram in milligrams
- Gram in nanogram
- Gram in ounce
- Kilogram
- Kilogram in decagrams
- Kilogram in grams
- Kilogram in hundredweight
- Kilogram in Pound
- Kilogram in pounds
- Kilograms in tons
- Kiloton
- Long tone
- Megaton
- Micrograms
- Milligram
- Nanogram
- Ounce
- Picogram
- Pound
- Pound
- Short tone
- Teratonne
- Ton
- Ton in decitonne
- Ton in gigatonne
- Ton in kiloton
- Ton in Long ton
- Ton in Short ton
- Tonne in megatonne
- Zentner