The femtogram(fg) is a unit of measurement for mass and is part of the International System of Units (SI). One femtogram corresponds to 10⁻¹⁵ grams. Due to this extremely small order of magnitude, the femtogram is often used in science, especially in biology and physics.
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Use calculator:
- Enter the number of femtograms into the calculator.
- Select the unit into which the femtogram is to be converted.
- Click on "generate" to get the result.
Conversion to grams
1 femtogram (fg) = 10^-15 grams (g)
This means that a mass of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 fg (i.e. a quadrillion fg) is required to make just 1 g.
Conversion to milligrams
1 gram (g) = 1,000,000 milligrams (mg)
Since 1 fg = 10^-15 g: 1 fg = 10^-12 mg
So to get 1 mg, you need 1,000,000,000,000,000 fg (one trillion fg).
Conversion to micrograms
1 milligram (mg) = 1,000 micrograms (µg)
Since 1 fg = 10^-12 mg: 1 fg = 10^-9 µg
This means that 1,000,000,000 fg (one billion fg) corresponds to 1 µg.
Conversion to nanograms
1 microgram (µg) = 1,000 nanograms (ng)
Since 1 fg = 10^-9 µg: 1 fg = 0.001 ng
Therefore 1,000 fg is equal to 1 ng.
Conversion to kilograms
1 gram (g) = 0.001 kilogram (kg)
Since 1 fg = 10^-15 g: 1 fg = 10^-18 kg
This means that you need an astronomical number of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 fg (i.e. a trillion fg) to produce just 1 kg.
The femtogram is an extremely small unit of mass. For many everyday applications it is almost unimaginably small, but it is frequently used in specialized scientific contexts. Conversion to larger units often requires dealing with large numbers, which emphasizes the tiny scale of the femtogram.
- Carat
- Centigram
- Decagram
- Decigram
- Decitonne
- Femtogram
- Gigatonne
- Gram
- Gram in carat
- Gram in decigrams
- Gram in micrograms
- Gram in milligrams
- Gram in nanogram
- Gram in ounce
- Kilogram
- Kilogram in decagrams
- Kilogram in grams
- Kilogram in hundredweight
- Kilogram in Pound
- Kilogram in pounds
- Kilograms in tons
- Kiloton
- Long tone
- Megaton
- Micrograms
- Milligram
- Nanogram
- Ounce
- Picogram
- Pound
- Pound
- Short tone
- Teratonne
- Ton
- Ton in decitonne
- Ton in gigatonne
- Ton in kiloton
- Ton in Long ton
- Ton in Short ton
- Tonne in megatonne
- Zentner