A teratonne(Tt) is a metric unit of weight equal to 10¹⁵ tons or 1 trillion tons. To better understand the meaning of this order of magnitude, it can be helpful to convert the teratonne into other known units.
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Use calculator:
- Enter the number of teratons in the calculator.
- Select the unit into which the teratons are to be converted.
- Click on "generate" to get the result.
Conversion to base units
One ton corresponds to 1,000 kilograms. Therefore 1 teratonne corresponds to
Conversion to metric units
Megaton (Mt): 1 megaton corresponds to 1 million tons (
Gigatonne (Gt): 1 gigaton corresponds to 1 billion tons (
Conversion to British and US units of measurement
Although metric units are increasingly used globally, British units are still in use in some countries such as the USA.
Pound (lb): One ton is equal to 2,204.62 pounds. Therefore, one teratonne equals
Short ton (US ton): 1 ton corresponds to 1.10231 short tons. Thus one teratonne corresponds to
Long Ton (UK ton): 1 ton corresponds to 0.984207 British tons. One teratonne therefore corresponds to 10^15 × 0,984207 UK-Tonnen or 0,984207 × 10^15 UK-Tonnen.
Application examples
A common context in which teratons appear in the scientific literature is the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide quantities are often expressed in gigatons or teratons to illustrate the magnitude of the contribution of human activities to global warming.
For example, an increase in CO2 concentration of 1 teratonne would be significant and have a major impact on the global climate.
The teratonne is an impressively large unit of measurement and helps to quantify very large quantities or masses, particularly in the context of earth sciences and climate studies. The ability to convert it to other units can be useful to better understand its meaning in different contexts
- Carat
- Centigram
- Decagram
- Decigram
- Decitonne
- Femtogram
- Gigatonne
- Gram
- Gram in carat
- Gram in decigrams
- Gram in micrograms
- Gram in milligrams
- Gram in nanogram
- Gram in ounce
- Kilogram
- Kilogram in decagrams
- Kilogram in grams
- Kilogram in hundredweight
- Kilogram in Pound
- Kilogram in pounds
- Kilograms in tons
- Kiloton
- Long tone
- Megaton
- Micrograms
- Milligram
- Nanogram
- Ounce
- Picogram
- Pound
- Pound
- Short tone
- Teratonne
- Ton
- Ton in decitonne
- Ton in gigatonne
- Ton in kiloton
- Ton in Long ton
- Ton in Short ton
- Tonne in megatonne
- Zentner