An acre (ac) is a traditional unit of measurement for land. It is particularly common in the USA, but also in some other countries. One acre is equal to 4,046.86 square meters or 0.4047 hectares. This unit was originally defined as the area that could be ploughed by one man in one day with one ox and one plow.




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Use calculator:

  • Select the area measure into which you want to convert Acre (ac).
  • Enter the number of acres in the calculator.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

Conversion from acre to other area units

Although we have now switched to metric units in many areas of everyday life and science, the acre is still an important and relevant measure, especially in agriculture and real estate transactions in certain regions.

With our online calculator, you can easily and conveniently convert acres to a variety of other area units, such as square meters (m²), square kilometers (km²), hectares or square miles. Simply enter the desired value and let our calculator do the work for you.


Here is a simple table that converts acres to some common units of area:

UnitConversion factorEquivalent value in this unit (based on 1 acre)
Square meter (m²)4.046,864.046,86 m²
Square kilometer (km²)0,0004046860.000404686 km²
Hectare (ha)0,40470.4047 ha
Square miles (sq mi)0,00156250.0015625 sq mi
Square yard (sq yd)4.8404,840 sq yd
Square foot (sq ft)43.56043,560 sq ft

Please note that these values are based on the standard definitions and may vary slightly depending on the source.

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