The square centimeter, abbreviated "cm²", is a metric unit of area that corresponds to a square whose sides are each one centimeter long. The square centimeter is a practical unit of area that is mainly used in contexts involving small to medium-sized areas.




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Use calculator:

  • Select the area measurement into which you want to convert cm².
  • Enter the number of square centimeters into the calculator.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.


  • School applications: In schools, the square centimeter is often used to teach students the basics of area measurement.

  • Craft and design: When creating small handcrafted items or design pieces, such as jewelry or leather goods, the size can be given in square centimeters.

  • Medicine: In dermatology or surgery, the size of wounds, skin lesions or other medical areas can be measured in square centimeters.

  • Technology: When specifying smaller technical components or parts, the square centimeter can be used as a unit of measurement.

  • Everyday life: Many everyday products, especially those of small or medium size, can specify their area in square centimeters.

Conversion to other area units:

  • Square kilometer (km²): One square centimeter is equal to 0.0000000001.

  • Hectare (ha): One square centimeter corresponds to 0.00000001.

  • Ar: One square centimeter equals 0.000001.

  • Square meter (m²): One square centimeter corresponds to 0.0001 m².

  • Squaredecimeter (dm²): One square decimeter is equal to 0.01 dm².

  • Squaremillimeter (mm²): One square centimeter equals 100 mm².

Its clear and intuitive size makes it a popular unit in education, crafts, medicine and many other fields. The simple conversion from and to other area units makes it easy to use and understand.

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