The square decimeter, often abbreviated to "dm²", is a unit of area and corresponds to an area of 0.01 square meters or a square with a side length of 10 centimeters.




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Use calculator:

  • Select the area measure into which you want to convert dm².
  • Enter the number of square decimeters into the calculator.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

Use of the square decimeter:

  • Household: the square decimeter is often used to describe the size of smaller surfaces, such as chopping boards, books or trays.
  • Construction and trade: When planning and designing smaller surfaces or components, the area can be specified in square decimeters.
  • Product packaging: On packaging for smaller products, the size can often be shown in square decimeters.
  • Educational purposes: In schools, the square decimeter is often used to give students a better understanding of area measurements and the conversion between them.

Conversion to other area units:

  • Square kilometer (km²): One square decimeter is equal to 0.00000001.
  • Hectare (ha): One square decimeter corresponds to 0.000001.
  • Ar: One square decimeter equals 0.0001.
  • Square meter (m²): One square decimeter corresponds to 0.01 m².
  • Square centimeter (cm²): One square decimeter corresponds to 100 cm².
  • Squaremillimeter (mm²): One square decimeter is equal to 10,000 mm².

The square decimeter is a practical unit for describing smaller areas. Although it is not as common as the square meter in many everyday situations, it is still useful for providing precise and descriptive measurements for smaller products or areas. With its clear relationship to other square measures, especially the square meter, it is easy to understand and simple to convert to other units

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