The Ar is a unit for measuring areas and corresponds to an area of 100 square meters. The term "Ar" is derived from the Latin "are", which means "area". The unit is mainly used to indicate the area of medium-sized properties or smaller agricultural areas.




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  • Specify how many Ar you want to convert into which unit.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

Conversion table:

Square kilometer (km²)0,0001
Hectare (ha)0,01
Square meter (m²)100
Square centimeter (cm²)1.000.000
Square millimeter (mm²)100.000.000

Use of the Ar:

  • Land measurements: Particularly in urban areas or for smaller parcels of land, size is often expressed in acres.
  • Agriculture: On smaller agricultural areas or in market gardens, the size of the land or a specific section can be given in ares.
  • Construction: When planning buildings or other structures, the size of the underlying land or a specific area may be measured in acres.

Conversion to other area units:

One acre is equal to 100 square meters. It is therefore relatively easy to convert the ar into other common units of area:

  • Square kilometers (km²): One ar equals 0.0001 km².
  • Hectare (ha): One hectare is equal to 100 ares.
  • Square meter (m²): One acre equals 100 m².
  • Square decimeter (dm²): One acre equals 10,000 m².
  • Square centimeter (cm²): One acre equals 1,000,000 cm².
  • Squaremillimeter (mm²): One ar equals 100,000,000 mm².

With a direct relationship to the square meter, the conversion between the Ar and other common area units is fairly simple and straightforward

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