Hectare (ha) and square kilometer (km²) are area measurements for very large areas. The conversion is based on a factor of 100, which means that 1 km² is the equivalent of 100 ha. Conversely, one hectare is 0.01 square kilometers.




Table - ha in km2

Hectare (ha) Square kilometer (km2)
1 ha 0,01 km2
100 ha 1,00 km2
10.000 ha 100 km2
50.000 ha 500 km2
100.000 ha 1.000 km2

Table - km2 in ha

Square kilometer (km2) Hectare (ha)
1 km2 100 ha
5 km2 500 ha
25 km2 2.500 ha
50 km2 5.000 ha
1.000 km2 100.000 ha

All information is without guarantee

Use calculator:

  • Select the area measurement you want to convert.
  • Enter the number of hectares or square kilometers in the calculator.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

How do you convert hectares to square kilometers?

To convert hectares to square kilometers, you need to know that 1 hectare is equal to 0.01 square kilometers. This means that you simply have to divide the number of hectares by 100 to get the corresponding number of square kilometers.

For example: If you have a plot of land that is 50 hectares in size, you may want to know how many square kilometers that is. To do this, simply divide the number of hectares by 100:

50 hectares / 100 = 0.5 square kilometers

This means that your property has an area of 0.5 square kilometers.

Converting hectares to square kilometers is a simple mathematical operation and can be useful when area information needs to be provided. It is important to know that 1 hectare is equal to 0.01 square kilometers and that you simply need to divide the number of hectares by 100 to get the corresponding number of square kilometers.

Calculator | Table

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