A square mile (mi² ) is a unit of area that is mainly used in the British and American measurement system. As the name suggests, a square mile corresponds to the area of a square with a side length of one mile. One square mile (sq mi) is equal to 2,589,988 m².




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  • Select the area measure into which you want to convert square miles (sq mi).
  • Enter the number of square miles in the calculator.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

In many parts of the world, particularly in the USA, the square mile is a common unit for describing large areas, such as those found in land surveys or geographical elevations.

In many scientific and international contexts, metric units such as square kilometers are more commonly used, but the square mile still remains relevant in many practical applications.

With our online calculator, you can convert square miles to various other units of area, such as square meters, hectares, acres or square kilometers. Simply enter the desired value and our tool will provide you with the result!

Table: Convert square mile

Here is an overview table for the conversion of square miles:

UnitConversion factorEquivalent value in this unit (based on 1 sq mi)
Square meter (m²)2.589.988,112.589.988,11 m²
Square kilometer (km²)2,589992.58999 km²
Hectare (ha)258,999258.999 ha
Acre640640 Acres
Square yard (sq yd)3.097.6003,097,600 sq yd
Square feet (sq ft)27.878.40027,878,400 sq ft

Please note that the conversion values are based on standard definitions and may vary slightly depending on the source

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